Monday, July 5, 2010

Screen printing in review

The screen printing class is a success. I mentioned in a previous post that I was signed up for this class. I really didn't know if I would enjoy it, but I had received a gift certificate and thought it was high time to cash in.

It is a small class consisting of about six students in all. We are learning to transfer images (yes even images taken by us! Yay!) on to fabric. I was so excited to hear that we could use our own images- Isn't that such a great way to share one's own photos in a creative way? My husband kindly help me switch a few of my photos into 100% black/white so that they would work with the photo emulsion process. He always tries to be supportive of my new and crazy endeavors. He actually is the reason I took this particular class at all. Great suggestion!

My photo emulsion screens worked really well and I was on my way to making prints and such. I am like my own walking advertisement. How fun!!! So without further ado, here is on of the creations I made. This is the only one which has made it in front of the camera so far. I will share more as I go.

I really enjoy when something new I try is as fun as this is and the finished product is able to be used! Now, if my fiddle classes were only so productive... but the sure do make me laugh.

Have a nice after the 4th day.